During Cinemira KIDS, we organize special conversations where young audiences interested in filming or acting are introduced to the mysteries of the profession by well-known and professional professionals. The seminars can be attended with the festival ticket, we can provide places in the order of arrival!

Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Ringato Concert and Screening

10:00 / Nagyterem

Live Storytelling for Kids

11:00 / Színpad

Be a Film Animal Trainer

15:00 / Színpad

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

Syncron Session

11:00 / Színpad

Syncron Games

12:00 / Színpad

Meet Hungarian film stars!

Réka Tenki, László Mátray, Villő Demeter

14:00 / Színpad

Awards Ceremony

17:00 / Nagyterem

The Awards Show of Cinemira KIDS & YOUTH

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok!

Email: cinemirafilmfest@gmail.com
Tel: +36205919882

Kristály Színtér
1138 Budapest, Margitsziget 23800/7.