Once again, children decided on the prizes totaling nearly one and a half million HUF at the Cinemira International Children’s and Youth Film Festival, where domestic and international short films, TIKTOK and LEGO videos, as well as music videos also competed. Eszter Angyalosy and Dániel Szőke’s film, Last Chance, won the award for the best youth short film, while the children’s jury divided the the awards between animations Lengemesés and Kuflik as the best. The Best Student Film competition for creators under the age of 19 was won by Bálint Németh’s film The Old House, while Nelli Nádja Kovács won the grand prize of the Video Competition.

Winners of Cinemira TEEN 2023:

Best Hungarian Short Youth Film
Last Chance / dir.: Eszter Angyalosy, Dániel Szőke / Hungary

Best International Short Film:
Before Madrid / dir.: Nicolas Botana, Ilén Juambeltz / Uruguay

Special Mention of the Short Film Jury:
And Me, I’m Dancing Too / r.: Mohammad Valizadegan / Iran

Best Short Animation:
Garden of The Heart / dir.: Olviér Hegyi / Hungary

Special Mention of the Short Animation Jury:
Ice Merchants / dir.: João Gonzalez / Portugalia

Budapest for Young Talents Award:
Against The Wind / dir.: Flóra Chilton Flóra / Hungary

Winners of Cinemira KIDS 2023:

Best Hungarian Children’s Short Film (shared)
Lengemesék: Az ismeretlen gyógyító / dir.: Zsolt Pálfi / Hungary
Kuflik: A végtelen sál / dir.: Jurik Kristóf / Hungary

Best Short Animation:
La Calesita / dir.: Augusto Schillaci / USA, Canada

Best Student Film:
The Old House / dir.: Bálint Németh Bence / Hungary

Student Film Audience Award:
Rozenstein / dir.: Piroska Szőllösi, Kamilla Lelkes, Réka Lőrincz , Liliána Kovács / Hungary

Special Mention of The Student Film Jury (shared):

Romek és Juliszlava / dir.: Mihály Csejdy
A perzsa harcos / dir.: Ábel Sipos
Homewrecker / dir.: Dóra Szabó Dóra.

Winners of the Cinemira Video Constest:

Main Prize:
Nelli Kovács

Special Prize:
Bukovszki siblings

Best TIKTOK Video:
Salamon Horváth

TIKTOK Video Special Prize:
Nelli Kovács

LEGO Video Main Prize:
Dorina Gyulai

LEGO VIDEO Special Prize:
Bendegúz Sándor

Junior Music Video Best Music Video:
József Essig (The Biebers: Sorry)

Junior Music Video Special Prize
Bendegúz Bödőcs (Lil Frakk – Oh jajj)